The contract of a public Offer for the reservation and rental apartments.
1. General provisions
1.1. This document, addressed to any legal or physical person, is an official, public and irrevocable offer of the limited liability company "Morskoy" ("LLC Morskoy"), hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", to conclude a contract for providing services for booking of apartments, located in the city of Sochi, using an Internet resource https://otdyhvsochi.ru/.
1.2. In accordance with paragraph 3 article 438 of the Civil code, the enactment contained in this Offer essential conditions is in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 438 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation and acceptance is tantamount to contract to provide services for booking of apartments, as well as additional services in accordance with the request of the Customer, the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.
1.3. Complete and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) conditions of this offer means that the person (hereinafter "Customer") of the payment for the stay in the booked apartment and the receipt by the Contractor of the relevant financial document confirming the fact of payment. The contractor gives the Customer a voucher (corporate form) for the placement, which stated all the essential terms of the order.
1.4. If You do not agree with any paragraph of this Offer, "LLC Morskoy" offers You to abandon the use of the booking services.
2. Essential terms
2.1. The Subject Of The Offer.
2.1.1. The subject of this Offer is providing the Customer with services for booking of flats (hereinafter — the reservation Service), as well as additional services in accordance with the request of the Customer, the terms and conditions under this Contract in accordance with the terms of the Offer published on the website https://otdyhvsochi.ru/ and tariff plans. Ordering can be done in the same email specified in the "Contacts" section of the website https://otdyhvsochi.ru/.
2.2. Rights and responsibilities.
2.2.1. The contractor shall: To make the Customer‘s actions aimed at coordination of possibility of stay of the Customer in specified period in the selected apartment. Not later than 2 (two) working days from receipt of order to confirm the possibility of providing the Customer with the Services of the reservation with indication of its value. In case of impossibility of providing the Service of reservation on the stated conditions by the Customer, inform the Customer and offer the booking to alternative conditions. Within 24 hours of receipt of the document confirming payment of the provider‘s Services to provide the Customer necessary for obtaining prepaid Services information and documents. In a timely manner to cover the customer of all situations that require additional approval. The service is properly rendered by Contractor in case of settlement of the Customer in the chosen apartment, as well as in case of cancellation less than 72 hours before arrival, or non arrival. In case of cancellation in accordance with paragraph refund the cost of the paid service.
2.2.2. The customer undertakes: After reading the tariff plan posted on the website of the Contractor, and the provisions of this offer, make a request by filling the required fields in the order form (booking form or application form) stating enough information about myself and the end users of the Services, displaying specific wishes about the apartment, and the timing of its use. The application can also be done via email or online using the contact details in "Contacts" section of the website https://otdyhvsochi.ru/. After confirmation by the Contractor of the Service without delay (within 24 houers) Be made within 3 days after confirmation of the application, but not later than 72 hours prior to check-in the payment of the Service reservation based on the received from the Contractor‘s bill (payment) - by cashless settlement or by cash settlement. Send proof of payment via email and arrive within 24 hours, notify the contractor of the committed action. To pay the insurance amount for the use of the apartment and her property, owned By the right of ownership, in the amount of 10 000 (Ten thousand) rubles 00 kopecks.
Upon the termination of the agreement concluded between the Customer and the Contractor, in the absence of the Contractor‘s claims against the Customer regarding the condition of the rented apartment and the property within the insurance sum will be returned to the Customer within 1 (one) banking day from the date of expiry of the lease of the apartment.
2.2.3. The contractor has the right: At non-observance by the Customer of any of the paragraphs of this offer to refuse provision of further Services.
2.2.4. The customer has the right: Not later than 72 hours prior to check-in to cancel the Service. Cancellation made on a weekend or public holiday, shall be considered at the first following working day. In the case of Service cancellation reservation, refund of the money transferred by the Customer to pay for the apartment, shall be made within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the Contractor by email message about the cancellation. Upon cancellation of Services less than 72 hours before the arrival date the service is rendered properly and return payment in this case is not possible under any circumstances.
2.3 Financial relations of the Parties.
2.3.1. The cost of booking Services, accommodation and the prepayment the apartment is negotiated with the Contractor separately and can vary up or down depending on season, length of stay, occupancy and other conditions.
2.3.2. The cost of booked apartment specified in the confirmation of guaranteed reservation can not be changed.
2.3.3. The payment chosen by the Customer in the apartment shall be made no later than 1 (one) day before arrival in the amount specified in the confirmation of guaranteed reservation less payment made earlier.
2.4. Liability of parties and dispute resolution.
2.4.1. For failure and/or improper performance of obligations hereunder the parties shall bear responsibility in accordance with applicable law.
2.4.2. The contractor shall not be responsible in case of default or improper performance of the Services or from third parties arising due to the unreliability, failure or delay of confirming information and documents provided by the Customer and arising as a result of other violations of the terms of this offer by the Customer.
2.4.3. The contractor shall not be responsible in case of non-arrival of the Customer in a paid apartment on the first day of arrival, and as a result, it is possible to not check in it.
2.4.4. The contractor is not responsible for the inconsistency of service provided to the Customer‘s expectations and his subjective judgment.
2.4.5. The contractor is released from responsibility for full or partial failure to fulfill obligations under present offer, if this failure was a consequence of force majeure arising after the conclusion of this agreement, as a result of events of an extraordinary nature which the parties could neither foresee nor prevent reasonable measures (force majeure).
2.4.6. In case of cancellation by the Customer of the order less than 72 hours prior to arrival, non arrival of the Customer, for reasons unrelated to the performance of provider‘s obligations the Service fee is non-refundable.
2.4.7. Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract specified in the present offer conditions, shall be resolved by negotiations between the parties or in the complaint procedure. If disputes and disagreements between parties will be resolved through negotiations, they shall be resolved by the courts at the place of location of the Contractor.
2.5. Other terms and conditions.
2.5.1. This offer, plan, order, voucher are an integral part of this agreement.
2.5.2. The contract is considered concluded from the moment of receipt by the Contractor of proof of payment by the Customer provided by the Contractor in accordance with the application Service, and is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations.
2.5.3. In all other cases not provided in this offer, the parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Contractor: the limited liability company "Morscoy" Details:
BIN 1165476092132, WAS 5410057786,
Legal address: 630061, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, St. Michael Nametkina, house 12, apartment 8
Bank details: settlement account No. 40702810404000016606 in the SIBERIAN BRANCH of JSC "PROMSVYAZBANK"
Correspondent account № 30101810500000000816 in the SIBERIAN BANK of RUSSIA BIC 045004816
INN of Bank 7744000912 / KPP of the Bank 540643001
Customer: Any person specified in the payment document on whose behalf the payment is made under this agreement (the payer), and if payment is made for a third person (and this follows from a payment or financial document) that the Customer of this contract is the person for whom the payment is made.